Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sometimes the Truth isn't as Great as a Huge Grapefruit

What's next? I'll tell you what's next, false expectations. That's what's next.
Last week while I was out doing my weekly grocery shopping at the Big Carrot (yes, we're so "new age" that we only shop organic now) I was rummaging through the grapefruit bin hunting for five luscious grapefruits that would soon become my most delicious breakfasts (seriously are grapefruits not the best breakfast food ever. Wholly self contained, delicious, juicy and perfect for that pre-work gorge....anyhoo) when I came across another grapefruit bin off to the side. Now I had pulled out five ordinary grapefruits from the first bin and had them all bagged and ready to go. They were good grapefruits too, which is not always the case when you're shopping organic. They all had nice shapes, good colour and were reasonably firm. But when I saw this other bin, my bagged grapefruits started to pale in comparison. For the grapefruits in this other bin were absolutely enormous. They were gigantic. They were mutant huge. They were friggin' Chernobyl grapefruits. Not only that, they were a perfect, bright glowing yellow and on a per kilo basis, they were the same price as my "ordinary" grapefruits. I picked up one and I swear it was as big as my head. I had to have it. There was no doubt about it, this monstrosity was coming home with me. I raced over to Liz to show her the treasure I had found, like an excited dog rushing back to his owner to show off the dirty dead bird he had brought back from the forest. She was impressed and patted my head like that same dog owner faining appreciation for his dogs dirty dead bird. I don't think she totally understood the awesomeness of this grapefruit.
The fruit itself ended up costing almost five dollars, which was pretty much the cost of the entire bag of my other regular grapefruits. I didn't care though, this bad boy was going to feed me like three maybe four times. Seriously, I was quite excited about this grapefruit.
I got home and through it in the fridge, getting it ready for my breakfast the next day. I went to sleep that night with visions of cutting into that beautiful fruit. The juices exploding and spraying out and into my eye as I broke it's rough, yellow shell. The acid from the juice burning my eye, but in a good way. And then finally biting into it's soft, pink flesh and all that sweet, bitter grapefruit goodness washing across my taste buds. The was truly going to be a glorious grapefruit eating experience.
Well when I got up the next morning and raced down to the fridge to get my prized fruit. I put it in a bowl and started to cut. And as I broke through it's skin and started to separated it into two equal pieces all my dreams and visions of this awesome fruit were quickly dashed. For as the two halves slowly fell apart I could clearly see that about 95% of this fruit was rind. All white stuff no pink stuff. There as hardly any fruit inside it at all. No exploding juiciness here folks. I was heart broken. I didn't know what to do. I stood there staring at the split fruit in my bowl for a good five minutes trying to convince my self that the world was still a good place and not everything was a lie. But that didn't help. It was like putting a bandaid over a gaping axe wound. My innocence was taken from me that morning. That grapefruit stole my innocence.
But isn't that pretty much the way it goes? So many things in life look so good on the outside, so tempting that you convince your self that nothing could be better. You sell your self on the idea that this is definitely what you need. Just look at it, what could possibly go wrong with this brilliant new idea/product/persons/life choice you've made. It looks so beautiful that it has to be the thing for you. But then when you finally get down to it and cut into the flesh you find that it was all empty lies and promises.
Very few things in this world ever live up to the promise of it's outer shell.
So when you do find something that is as beautiful on the outside as it is on the inside you should probably count your self pretty lucky and do everything in your power to hold on to it.
Also if you're buying organinc fruit, chances are it's not going to be as big and juicy as the genetically modified super fruit you get at Dominion. It's just a fact.
So what's next?

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