Sunday, February 25, 2007

Instant Gratification

What's next? I'll tell you what's next, waiting for what's next. That's what's next.
I assumed that as I got older and more and more time has passed through me and onto the other side of my personal ledger that I would become wiser, more calm and refined and that I'd develop some kind of patience.
Well thing is, I keep getting older and I keep waiting for this patience to develop and nothing seems to happen. And the worst part is, I don't wait well. I'm very impatient. It's a horrible and vicious circle.
Even that nasaly, toothpick Axel Rose had some patience. See his lyrics below -
"Said, woman, take it slow
It'll work itself out fine
All we need is just a little patience
Said, sugar, make it slow
And we come together fine
All we need is just a little patience
Mm, yeah"
Mm, yeah indeed. Seems like he was blessed (and his fans for that matter. How long have they been waiting for the next G'N'R record "Chinese Democracy", 8 years. Besides being an asinine name, who really cares about them any more but I digress, back to the point) with the patience gene. Along with the gene that lets him look good in jeans. As a Corbeil I have neither. I do not possess the patience gene and I don't look good in jeans. It's a horrible truth about my life but it's one I'm apparently going to have to live with. The jeans I can live with out, baggy pants and hoodys for me any day, but man I'd love some patience.
Everyday goes by and I have this overwhelming feeling that I'm missing out on something and if I don't go out and do something, anything RIGHT NOW, that I'm going to be left on the outside looking in. Even as I write this I'm thinking about what I have to do for the rest of the day and how I could be doing some of it right now.
I'm friggin' constantly looking for new things to do, I'm never happy with what I have and what I have is plenty. Hell I've already changed careers twice and I wouldn't bet against a third sometime down the road. I can't just sit back, reflect on what I have take a deep breath and just relax. I feel that relaxing would be a good thing, but I don't know cause I can't do it.
In this world of drive through restaurants, fifteen second flash commercials and instant gratification, we are trained to want everything right now and we not to wait for it. The media put out these teaser campaigns to get the public salivating and clawing to get the next big thing. Then they act suprised that everyone is downloading pirated movies and music cause they can't sit on their hands and wait the extra three weeks until it's official release.
Then there are those fuckers who have to be the first on the plane. Even though they clearly say, "We will be boarding from the back of the plane first". There is inevitably some jerk ass who has a front row seat and he rushes on to the plane and starts loading his clearly oversized bags into the overhead compartment as all the other passengers try to squeeze by him and get to their seats at the back of the plane. Where does he think he's going? Does he think that if he gets on the plane first that he's going to get to his destination before everyone else? WE ARE ALL GOING TO GET THERE AT THE SAME TIME ASSHOLE! God I hate those people.
Anyhoo, I guess all I'm saying is that I, nay we all, could do ourselves a favour and just take ol' Axel's advice and take it slow. Cause it'll work it self out fine.
So what's next?

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