Friday, December 8, 2006

Out With the Old, In With the Nucleus

What's next? I'll tell you what's next, a new job! That's what's next.
So the title isn't really that apt, but I just wanted to throw in an obscure Simpsons's reference somewhere. So if you don't like, go take a flying fuck at the moooooooooooooooooooon! (That was my obscure Kurt Vonnegut reference).
There, I'm done with references now.
So yeah, my days at Magnotta have offically come to an end. They were good times though. You know what they say, "you never forget your first". And Magnotta was my first brewery.
I learned a lot in my short 5 month stay at Magnotta. Mike Ligas, the brewmaster, designed some great beers and I had the destinct pleasure of making them almost every day for those five months. And Simon Cowe, yes the same Simon Cowe from the quietly forgotten band from the UK, Lindis Farne, which put out a few hits back in the early 70's, managed to impart some great brewing knowlege upon me. And lest I forget to to mention Mustaq and Erica, who also made working at Magnotta a pleasure.
But lo, those days are gone now. Vanished into memory, like so many drunken Friday nights.
And like so many rough, pasty mouthed Saturday mornings, I've picked myself up, swallowed a glass of Sumol Passionfruit drink and moved on to bigger and better things.
Robert Simpson Brewing Co! Yes, my new job and title is the brewer at The Robert Simpsons Brewing Co, the small brewing by the lake in lovely downtown Barrie. And it's not just a lovely town, but the brewery itself is astonishingly beautiful. My day to day view, is floor to celing windows that look out on to the pristine waters of Kempenfelt Bay. Much better than than my view of concrete walls inside the Magnotta Winery. Does life get any better than that? I get to brew beer whilst looking out onto a lake. Damn.
But outside of that, the people at Robert Simpson are great. Everyone seems to be part of the family there, actually a lot of people are from the same family, but you get the point. I've only worked there three days and I already feel at home.
A new adventure and a new path in that ever changing road that is life.
It's funny, when you try to go back and look at all the off ramps, short cuts and switch backs your own personal road of life has taken, it's hard to imagine that you made it to where you are in the first place.
First off, it quickly becomes quite obvious that you don't have a map. You frantically take exits or side roads that frequently lead to dead ends. You've retraced and backtracked over those same roads time and time again, hoping and praying that just one of them will lead you to that one open highway, that takes you to easy street. Where you can sit back, relax, set the car on cruise and just drive off into the sunset.
But as you get older you start to realise that it isn't so much the destination as it is the journey. The sunset is just an illusion. A mirage, mocking you.
So next time you find yourself freaking out cause your uncontrollably bombing down a twisting moutain highway, looking for the next off ramp that will hopefully slow you down and lead you the promised land. Just slow down, take you foot of the gas. Gently pull into the next rest stop. Get out of your car and enjoy the scenic vista. You'll probably find that you are right where you want to be anyways.
What's next?

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