Sunday, November 26, 2006

Rocking Your F#@$ing Socks Off

What's next? I'll tell you what's next, Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny, that's what's next.
But first a little run on sentence rant. You know what sucks, and when I say sucks I mean draws air, massive amounts of dung filled air and when I say dung filled air, I don't mean pu-ehr that aged and oxidized Chinese tea that smells like mouldy cave rocks, but shit, shit filled air. Movies. Movies that you are totally stoked to see and have been waiting patiently for months, checking out trailers, reading websites and blogs put on by other losers with just a slight bit more free time than you, extolling there opinions, leaked footage and "inside" information on the movie. And then just a few weeks before opening day, you get your first glimpses of the movie on TV, with trailers that many times give away entire chunks of the film that make spending the $12 to see what many times turns out to be a complete waste of celluloid a total waste of money. (I'm looking at you Star Wars.) That's what really sucks man.
But you know what didn't suck....Tenacious D and the Pick of F'n Destiny man, that's what didn't suck.

Now with that being said, if you know what Tenacious D are about, then you know exactly what to expect from a this movie.
If you go in expecting an Oscar worthy performance by JB and KG, with deep character roles and a riveting story that delves into the true meaning of mans inhumanity towards man, then you are either;
A) An idiot
B) A movie reviewer from some back woods, religious, mid-western state
or C) Both
This movie is about rocking your collective socks off, fart jokes, bong hits and did I mention rocking your socks off?
I may be getting older and approaching my dreaded "adulthood", but the day I find a fart joke not funny is the day you can throw my cold dead body in the ground.
The laughs, the rocking and the cameos come fast and early. You pretty much have to take a second look at each supporting character to see who they are. The best being, Tim Robbins and Dave Grohl (I had no idea that it was Dave Grohl till I saw the credits).
Anyhoo, the movie was fun, easy going and filled with a monster amount of sock rockin' riffs. I don't want to give away too much, cause I think you should all go out and see it on your own.
Actually I can't wait to see it again at home on DVD. I'll invite Gary over, we'll relax on the couch with some M & M's and beer and have a private viewing of our own. He always makes movies way more fun and I think that this one will be no exception.
So with Borat being as awesome and over the top as it was and Tenacious D being way fucking awesome too, that makes two for two in movies that I've been stoked to see and haven't sucked.
Which is pretty much the longest streak since as far back as I can remember.

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