Thursday, August 2, 2007

Decisions, decisions, decisions....and Voyager!

So what's next? I'll tell you what's next, a new job and three back to back episodes of Star Trek: Voyager...every day! That's what's next.
Well the decision has been made and a new job has been found. Yesterday, I turned down an offer at The Amsterdam Brewery and elected to take a position as one of the brewers at The Mill Street Brewery.
It wasn't an easy decision, I flip flopped back and forth between the two offers for two solid days. Writing down the pros and cons of both places, looking at commute times, reading up on the different beers each brewery made. I'm sure by the end of it, Liz was pretty tired of me asking her what I should do. Both brewery's are great and are big brands in the Toronto area. But more than that both companies are populated with wonderful people. And it made it tough to make that final choice.
Making a decisions is like dropping a pebble in a lake. You make a choice and little ripples form across the top of the water. Some decisions aren't that big and the ripples slowly fade away and the lake returns to it's natural state. But some decisions are huge and those little ripples quickly become a fuckin' force of nature. Sure they may start off as small ripples, but as each subsequent decision follows after that initial one, those ripples quietly become waves. Then those waves eventually become white caps and the next thing you know you have a GD tsunami on your hands that threatens to wipe out your entire life!
This giant 25 foot wave looms over the shoreline of your life. It casts a dark and ominous shadow over you. And all those little imaginary people that populate the coastal city that is your life and dreams are threatened with complete inialation.
Imagine if you will a quiet and serene day on that remote lake side village. Flowers adorn the windows of it's beautiful and peaceful main street. And as the warm and soothing sun shines down on all of them, the towns folk are going about their day in the usual way. Friendly neighbours waving to hello to each other as they pass on the street. An elderly postman makes his rounds delivering the mail with a sparkle in his eye and a smile on his face. John the baker puts his pie in the window of his tiny little bakeshop that he retired to just last year after leaving the city behind.
The Rat Race had become to much for him and after his wife passed away last year, he packed it all in, sold all his stocks and moved to this quiet little lake side village to run out his days in the bake shop he and his wife had been dreaming about for years. He had always said, "Maybe next year honey, maybe next year". But next year came too late for his beloved wife and now she was gone. Now she may not have been there to share this with him, but with each pie he made, it brought him a little closer to her. They had designed all the recipies together in their old kitchen back in the city. And to him, her heart was in each of those creations and he could almost see her smiling up at him from the pie pan.
And now today as he leans out his shop window and places his pie on the sill a shadow creeps across the street in front of him. He looks up and sees this menace. The giant wave coming at him. He knows then and there, in an instant, that everything he'd done in his life is about to be destroyed. He doesn't mind though, in fact a small smile gently drifts across his face. Cause he knows that soon he will be back with his beloved wife baking pies in the sweet here after.
Where the hell was I going with this? Oh yeah, decisions shouldn't be made lightly! Take your time, do it right. Think it over, sleep on it, ask for help from your friends. Life is long and the future is a big place so no need to rush. But for godssakes make the decision already! If there is something that you want to do and you've been thinking about it for years make the decision. Maybe the townsfolk in your little village need a shake up, cuase you never know when it will be too late.
Anyhoo, I start next Tuesday so my days of sitting on the couch and waiting for Voyager to come on are over. Seriously, I'm hooked on that show. Three episodes, back to back to back every day from 4 until 7. Could you ask for anything more? I don't think so.
So what's next?